Tuesday, November 15, 2011

History of Jamaica

Jamaica's motto is
"Out of Many, One People"

The "Doctor Bird" lives only in Jamaica and is one of the most outstanding of all the species of Hummingbirds. The feathers of the Doctor Bird are beautiful.

The history of Jamaica is especially notable because of its size. Spanning 4,400 square miles (about the size of Connecticut). This island was first the home of the Arawak Indians, who named it Xaymaca or "land of wood and water."   After the Spanish arrived in 1509, the Arawaks soon died out or killed. The Spanish began importing African slaves who brought with them many cooking techniques, ones that live on to this day.

Many Spanish Jews also arrived on the island during Spanish rule, contributing dishes such as escoveitch fish, a vinegary concoction that's found on many menus.

In 1655, the Spanish lost Jamaica to England. The English turned much of the land into sugar plantations, creating many fortunes in the process. "As wealthy as a West Indian planter" came to be a common phrase in England, a hint at the fortunes sugar brought.

During that century, English influences developed the Jamaican pattie,a turnover filled with spicy meat that's a favorite lunch snack with locals. It's the equivalent of an island hamburger.   A century later, Chinese and East Indian influences made their way to Jamaica, when indentured laborers who replaced slaves after emancipation also brought their own culinary talents. Today curried dishes grace nearly every Jamaican menu, using local meats such as goat, chicken, and seafood